Archive | August, 2017

Are You A Grouchimoto?

19 Aug

Look out here he comes the scary beast called Grouchimoto. He  or  She can turn a happy occasion into an uncomfortable situation in two seconds or less. They can go from beaming like the sun to a roaring thundercloud before you can say Good Morning.

Grouchimotos can come in many different forms, the unassuming co-worker, the helpful Aunt, the “I have every tool you could ever need” Neighbor, or the “I am here when you need me” friend. Sadly he or she doesn’t know when they have changed into Grouchimoto.

We all have the ability to become Grouchimoto, some of us recognize when we’re in this mode and stay in our cave choosing not to inflict our state of grouchiness on others. On the other hand there are those who go into hyper grouchitivity so often it has become their norm.

How do you stage a grouchiness intervention?  Very carefully, because in the eyes of a Grouchimoto you may just become the problem.  Maybe it’s safer to leave this self checklist out on the counter:

  1. Do you frequently feel like all of the other drivers on the road are there to make your life miserable?
  2. Does it seem that no one understands the value of your time and that your friends are not ever prompt enough or sensitive to your “invisible” timetable?
  3. During conversations when you are not the one talking do you secretly will the person talking to “Shut Up” or just talk over them to get your point across?
  4. When you have guests over for dinner, does it make you angry when they actually use the linen napkins or guest towels in the bathroom?
  5. Do people  seated next to you that are having fun and laughing loudly irritate you?
  6. Do people in the grocery store who dare to stop in the aisle in front of you make you want to hit them with your cart?

We all can become a Grouchimoto but hopefully we can recognize it and get out of that mode.  Unfortunately we all encounter Grouchimotos but for today I’m wishing you a day that is Grouchimoto free!

Emoji photo credit<a href=’’></a&gt;