Are You Running to Your Next Thrilling Emergency?

24 Sep

facebook_-1707391123Are you the only one who can “handle” the tough situations? Does your family count on you to come up with a solution to Aunt Edna’s living situation or Uncle Bert’s tax problem? At work are you the one that arrives early, stays late and feels more comfortable “doing it yourself”? Are your evenings filled with long conversations with “friends” lamenting their latest crisis and carefully laying out the solutions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I think it is time you considered getting off of your Drama Queen Throne.

It is very tempting to help your friends and family solve all of their problems but has it occurred to you that maybe they need to learn to solve these issues themselves? Maybe solving their own problem is important for them to do so that can get to their next milestone. Your helpfulness could be keeping them stuck in a bad situation or even worse zapping their self-confidence and blocking the achievement of their dreams.

Sometimes running to our next thrilling emergency is much more exciting than what’s going on in our own life. If you’re bored there are many more ways to improve that situation then jumping into other people’s business.
If you are running to your next thrilling emergency, slow down and head another direction.

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