Archive | September, 2012

Gotta Go Gotta Go

8 Sep

I know you have had that feeling when you are somewhere and your inner voice is say “Get Out”. Typically this voice goes off when you are in some kind of danger. Obviously physical threats are easy to identify, so you get out. But what happens when you’re not in any imminent danger but you are feeling uncomfortable? I think we’ve all been “trained” to ignore these messages because leaving might not be the socially correct thing to do. Heaven forbid that you create a socially awkward situation. I am sure I can’t count the number of times I’ve ignored my intuition and stayed somewhere that I didn’t want to be not wanting to hurt another’s feelings or giving in to my “party animal” friend who just wants to have one more drink. (You know by the way it’s never just one more drink.) Unless you are in a wedding or staring in a Broadway show, I suggest you listen to your inner voice when it tells you it’s time to go. Give yourself the credit you deserve that you know what is best for you, even when your brain is overriding it. Invariably when I have stayed past the time I wanted to leave, I cease to enjoy myself and am secretly plotting my escape route. One time I was at dinner with a blind date and I actually was wondering if I could get downstairs, have the Valet retrieve my car, and drive away before he realized I was gone. I didn’t listen to my inner voice or use my escape plan and was terribly embarrassed later by him serenading me in a loud voice. I knew I should have gone earlier and staying turned out to be humiliating. Nowadays if I start to feel I should go I do.