It’s All About Your Perspective

2 May

I have realized that I am in control of how I feel and what my mood is. Even the worst situations have proven to be a good thing in the long run but I still need a reminder that my perspective of a situation is the key. If you are too close to something and its overwhelming, step back and look at the bigger picture. It can provide some welcome relief and help you to recognize the positive side of things. I had been called to jury duty and I was lamenting to a dear friend, the fact that I had to sit in the jury pool room and it was boring. She texted me,”Don’t give up hope. I know someone who met her now husband at jury duty! Shop around.” Now there’s a perspective turn around, man shopping versus just sitting in the jury pool room bored. I also had another dear friend mention to me that now that she had decided she was leaving her long time job, she felt much better in the morning and was re-energized. Instead of focusing on her disappointment in problematic co-workers or administrative officials she is now focusing on her future and the wonderful possibilities. Keep your perspective positive and watch how much more fun you’re having.

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