Why is Doing the Dishes so Satisfying?

11 Dec

I am probably the only person who has done this, but I occasionally leave dirty dishes in the sink. I put water and detergent in them, content to let them “soak”. The longer they sit “soaking” the more gross they become and the original mess continues to grow. When I finally wash the dishes and/or put them in the dishwasher I always feel better. Some issues in life are just like dirty dishes-the longer you let them “soak”, the messier the problem becomes. If I could only remember that dealing with the mess head-on is the best practice. When I am able to deal with things head-on I make more room for the positive things going on around me. I am not wasting time thinking about the mess that is looming in the kitchen sink. Take care of the problems you encounter right away, don’t let them grow or spend your precious time thinking about them. Use your time in the present to enjoy the wonderful things going on around you. That reminds me I have some dishes soaking in the sink …..

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