Archive | September, 2011

Way to Go!!!

5 Sep

Way to go!! You’re terrific. I am so proud of you! You’re doing an amazing job! I knew you could do it. When was the last time you said anything of these things to yourself? We all have an inner cheerleader and an inner critic, why are the critics so loud that they drown out the cheerleaders? Berating yourself happens when you are not 100 % confident, it is our way of ensuring we are not surprised by an outcome but unfortunately it does more than eliminating surprise it undercuts our ability to succeed. Turn up the volume on the cheerleader with the can do attitude, ask the critic to move on with love and light, he/she no longer serves any purpose in your life. I know you can do anything you set your sights on, so keep those good thoughts coming and pat yourself on the back. Can I get a way to go?