Archive | July, 2011

What is your GPS and do you really know where you are?

18 Jul

I was driving in a rental car to Fort Bragg today to see a wonderful client. My rental car came with the “Hertz Never Lost” GPS. I listened for several hours to commands from a woman I’ve never met telling me which way to turn and tracking my exact location. I was laughing at myself as I was blindly allowing this device to lead me in the right direction. I must admit that I struggle with trust sometimes-so I had also printed out driving directions from Mapquest. I began to wonder if our intuition, conscience, and self-reflection “voices” were our own form of GPS guiding us in the right direction so that we can stay on our path. How do you check you are own the right path? I got directions from Mapquest for my trip to Ft. Bragg, but where do I go to check out my own internal GPS for my life path? We develop on own GPS from values we were raised with, from life experiences and from teachings. I am grateful to have lived enough years to realize that some of the ideas I learned as a child are not part of my truth today. One was that people in authority should always be trusted,along those same lines, your supervisor will value your contributions, or when someone loves you they can provide you with all the love and care you need. I am grateful for my internal GPS and for my ability to make adjustments to my GPS when I need to. My GPS has kept me on my true path and I am enjoying the sites and sounds along way. I wish you a safe and enjoyable journey with your GPS and that you are always happy to be where you are.

Are You Enjoying Your Journey?

1 Jul

I have just completed a long contemplated process of “decluttering” my home. Now that it is finished I am marveling at how it took me so long to do. I never realized how hanging onto so much stuff was affecting me. It dawned on me that I was completing this task now because I was having company. Seems silly that I did not complete the “declutter” earlier for myself. I feel so much lighter spiritually with less stuff around and I can easily find what I need. I was discussing my project with a wise and trusted advisor and I told her there were boxes in my garage I hadn’t looked at since I moved here 10 years earlier and I was tempted to just have them hauled away. She commented that I should go through all of these boxes because, “there might be something you need for your journey”. That comment caused me to go into a deep reflection over the next few days. I reviewed how much stuff I accumulated and why it had happened. I wondered how I had gotten into sa habit of acquiring more and more things I really didn’t need. I reflected on how I wasn’t taking care of myself or my home the way I wished as I ran from one project to the next because I stayed focused on work or obligations instead of my own journey. I pondered when did I lose sight of my journey and all of its wonders. I am so grateful to her for that comment as I have refocused myself and am looking forward to my journey and what lies ahead. I am feeling so light and happy moving forward without the burden of carrying old stuff. This post encompasses my last thoughts on my old stuff because I have lots to see, do, and enjoy on my journey. I hope you are enjoying yours.