Archive | December, 2010

Coincidence or life marker?

19 Dec

Have you ever run into a friend just as you were thinking of them? Have you been listening to a song and felt you were back in time at a particular event? Has a new acquantaince felt like someone you have known forever? A very wise teacher of mine has assured me that these are all examples of pleasant reminders as evidence that we are in flow of life. It used to be that when one of these touchstones occurred I viewed it with grief as it reminded me of someone I missed terribly. I have since realized that all positive experiences are good and I don’t need to mourn their loss just becuase they aren’t happening right now. I treasure all of the positive experiences I have had and I am striving to stay in the flow. Ideas we learned as children stick in our minds like glue; trying to change those old ways can be very difficult. Old ideas feel right but it is probably that they feel comfortable as a part of who we are that causes us to hold on to them so tightly.

It all depends on your perspective

19 Dec

At Church the Minister began his sermon with a joke that sparked some thought and debate. The joke goes: Jesus contacted the Pope to say he had good news and bad news. The good news is that he is returning to earth, the bad news is he wants the Pope to meet him in Salt Lake City. The Methodist Minister ended the sermon with the thought that the good news is that Jesus is coming and the bad news is that we are not ready. Clearly I am not focusing on the intended message as I am stuck back at the opening joke and why meeting in Salt Lake City was the bad news. My take was that Jesus is Mormon and that all of us who are not Moromon have gotten it wrong. Interestingly I heard a completely different take from an older gentleman that I totally respect. He said that Jesus wanted to meet the Pope in Salt Lake City so they could together help the Mormon’s understand they should be Christians. Why the Methodists are dragging the Catholics into this is not clear to me.