Archive | November, 2010

All cyclists- use a mirror!

29 Nov

I admire folks who ride bikes and am a little jealous when I see them pedaling down the road. As a kid, I had a sparkly fuschia bike that I lived on. When I was in college at U.C. Davis my mode of transportation was an orange Schwin Varsity. In those days the only special equipment required was clips to keep your pants from getting caught in the gears. Today the gear for cyclists is a thriving industry. Like any activity there are items you need and those you choose. Helmets are a legal requirement and are not too flattering on anyone. Bike shorts are not flattering on everyone, but worn universally. I had a bit of a shock recently when I drove by a cyclist pedalling away on a street in San Leandro, in fact it took me a minute to understand what I was looking at. This cyclist apparently had gotten his money’s worth from wearing his bike shorts as they were worn through right in the middle leaving a clear view of his back side. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he had never looked at himself in the mirror from behind to know what he was showing. If you wear bike shorts do yourself a favor and check out the view from behind you.

Hello world!

29 Nov

Welcome to the reasonings of a rare bird, where I share my observations and experiences. It is comforting to realize that the written word is still appreciated in a world where terms like LOL and TTYL are commonly recognized as substitutions for completing a thought. Communicating online or via text messaging can be entertaining and expedient but I look forward to sharing my thoughts on this blog using complete sentences and fully developed thoughts.